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File Doge API

File Doge offers a free and unmetered API to upload and generate download links for files up to 200mb in size, although we do not guarantee that the API remain free or unmetered in the future

Upload File

You will send us a file with POST request with a size less than 200mb

curl --location --request POST '' \ -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;" --form 'file=@filePath'

Successfull Response

token: fileToken,
"name": fileName,
"size": fileSizeInBytes,
"originalFilename": originalFilename,
"createdAt": creationDate,
"mimeType": fileMimeType
"deleteToken": fileDeleteToken

File Information

You will send us a file token with GET request to get information

curl --location --request GET ''

Successfull Response

token: fileToken,
"name": fileName,
"size": fileSizeInBytes,
"originalFilename": originalFilename,
"createdAt": creationDate,
"mimeType": fileMimeType
"downloadUrl": directUrlToDownloadFile

Delete File

You can delete your files using the file token and delete identifier

curl --location --request POST '$TOKEN/$DELETE_TOKEN'

Successfull Response

messgae: "File Deleted Successfully",


If you or us encounter an error we respond with 200 OK and a JSON which is specify what's went wrong

Error Example

error: errorMessage,